Normal Hearing Development

0-3 months

Reacts to loud sounds with startle reflex; soothed by soft sounds; turns head to voice; smiles in response to voice

3-6 months

Looks/turns to new sound; responds to changes in voice; enjoys toys that make sounds; scared by loud voice

6-10 months

Responds to certain sounds even when not loud; babbles even when alone; recognizes some words, responds to directions

10-15 months

Plays with voice; points to familiar things when asked; imitates simple words and sounds

15-18 months

Points to some body parts when asked; knows 10-20 words; uses short sentences

18-24 months

Understands yes-no questions, simple phrases; points to pictures when asked

24-36 months

Understands certain phrases; follows two-step commands; understands action words


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